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2NF Software Co., Ltd organized the program “Welcome to Vietnamese Women’s Day October 20”

Posting time: 03:04, 19/08/2022

To honor the Women of 2NF Software Co., Ltd on the occasion of October 20, the company’s men solemnly organized the program “Welcome Vietnamese Women’s Day October 20” exclusively for women.

The company’s female employees are happy to receive meaningful gifts from men.

In the success of 2NF, it is impossible not to mention the great role and dedication of women. Besides being “good at domestic work, housework” as a wife and mother, 2NF’s women have always tried their best at work, and are great colleagues of the brothers.

Therefore, on the occasion of October 20, instead of thanking our lovely colleagues, the 2NF’s men have invested a lot of effort to surprise the female colleagues.

Meaningful gifts have been carefully prepared and sent to sisters. Not only that, the brothers and sisters in the Company also participate in very interesting games together, everyone has more opportunities to exchange and share with each other. Holding the meaningful gifts that the 2NF brothers have given us- the Women of 2NF feel very happy. We had a fun day on October 20 with close colleagues, friends, and brothers. And above all, thank you 2NF family.

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Comtor Tiếng Nhật

Establishment of 2NF UK Company Limited – 2NF UK Ltd